Welcome aboard!

Well, nice to see you want to join my journey…. Well kinda part way through my life anyway!

Yeah, I am a stay at home mum, doing another real life blog, which lets face it, there’s hundreds of us.

And that’s awesome. We should be writing about our lives. Truthfully though….

My journey to this point isn’t an easy one, haven’t had a lot of luck in my life, honestly the only reason I made it as far as I did was because of my two older daughter’s. Shit I’m lucky to have them!

But lets face it. When you become a mother at 16, there’s forces against you every step of the way and no matter what you do, you spend a life time of being judged. Yeah good ol’ mother at 16. Second daughter at 17.

What the hell was going on that I let that happen?

I didn’t know it could happen. That is naive right? But what 14 year old really thinks by having sex you’ll get pregnant?! And really what 18 year old would do that with a 14 year old?

My ex husband. Yep, even got married to the sucker. He literally destroyed every chance I had at being normal, having a normal youth, developing normally. I was so young, what was he thinking (or me for that point). Well 4 counselors and a psychologist later, got to the realise he was just a mad, crazy manipulator. He still tries to this day!

So, a relationship since I was 14, kids at 16, married by 20, years of subtle and not so subtle mental abuse. And when I finally pick up the balls to leave, he f#@ken attacks me. With an axe. What in the actual Hell.

Court cases, parental decisions, horrific breakdowns, more shitty relationships (funny how you get in that cycle) stalking and God knows what else later…. I am finally at a point in my life where I’m ok. Most days.

I’m now married again, with a man I didn’t even know was real (a real gentleman) and have a new baby.

These will be my tales, rants, emotional stories. This will be my safe place to finally be completely honest.


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